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Lexington NAACP


The Lexington-Fayette Branch of the NAACP unit 3097-B would like to lift up an official declaration of celebration of outstanding achievements by our very own youthful members across our community here in Lexington.

Skyler Trowel is the president of the Lexington-Fayette NAACP Youth Chapter. President Trowel was recently awarded a first-place designation at the 2022 FCPS District Science Fair in the category of Plant Sciences. A senior at Paul Laurence Dunbar High School and lifetime NAACP member since 2011, President Trowel is poised for the next challenge at the Central Kentucky Regional Science & Engineering Fair, which will be a virtual competition being held on Feb. 26-27. We lift up this awesome accomplishment and send on blessings and best wishes to President Trowel in her next competition and all her future endeavors. Congratulations Skyler! Sky is the limit.

Malik E. Mulder II is a junior graduating early with honors from the Pre-Engineering Program at Lafayette High School in May 2022. He has been accepted into the prestigious Howard University and plans to be a Political Science/Pre-Law major. Malik has been a member of the NAACP Youth Chapter for over 5 years. As a result, he hopes to be a civil rights attorney to continue the good fight for racial equity. Love yourself and trust yourself Malik, we need all the help we can get to advance the movement. We lift up Malik and send on blessings and best wishes with him on his way to Howard University and beyond.

Quentin Bryson is a sophomore at the University of Kentucky majoring in strategic communications with a minor in theatre. He has been an NAACP member since winning the Black History essay contest a few years ago. He is a member of the cast of the University of Kentucky Theatre Department production of "Black Lives Matter: 1619 to Now" which was presented February 24-26 at the Guignol Theatre in the Fine Arts Building. Please offer your congratulations to these talented young activists and scholars!

Please join a meeting and become a member, all are welcome. Lexington-Fayette NAACP Youth Council meets every 3rd Saturday @2pm on Zoom, go to UK Chapter NAACP meets bi-weekly on Tuesdays @5pm and the next meeting is on March 1st go to for more info.

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